Hello, I was at the big orchid show a bit ago, and I bought a Paph. Its very healthy with two flowers opening. I know nothing about this type of orchid. Could someone please inform me about its needs? [in particular, flowering] Does it flower every year out of the same plant? Thanks in advance.
Depending on the species and on the particular plant it will produce flower spikes out of any succeeding new growths. If your plant is healthy and thriving you could have more than one new growth depending on the species. the most important thing with this kind of plant is to be sure that the soil mix is fresh and not deteriorating. I recommend that you repot every year as new growths begin but be very careful you do not knock off the new growth. Some repot every two years. Do not water overhead just into the pot. During active growth you can water daily. When flowering has stopped and no new growths watering weekly should be sufficient. Lots of advice out there on the net on how to grow these. Google and check them all out.