I wanted to make a new thread with this stuff here. The guy who installed my 3 queen palms about 6-7 weeks ago said they were wilting and such most likely because I wasn't watering them enough. I drop a hose by their base and turn on the water for 5 minutes every night at 8-9pm though. Is this not enough? One branch turned yellow/brown, many tips on all of them are a little brown. the pics of palm1 my wife considers just a flat out ugly palm. Also, please comment on what you think I need to do based on the pictures and I'd appreciate it. thanks in advanced!
The one that appears to be the troubled palm, is planted too close to your house. I'd move it another 10' away from the structure if possible. During that time you may be able to see if the root system and planting area has been getting watered deep enough. If so, then it is possible this palm is experiencing a transplant set back, and should adjust over the course of maybe several months. Your wife figures it to be flat out ugly? Well as her what she thinks in 3 years as it develops onto a stately beauty! Cheers, LPN.
thanks for the advice! Unfortunately I do not know if I have the luxury of setting it up any differently - is that one just doomed then? They have only been planted about 6 weeks ago, so I'm hoping over the next several months they will look better. Is it safe to chop the sick branch off? Also, how do the others look to you? Thanks!!
I wouldn't say "doomed" just very crowded as the crown develops, it will be against the house until it's tall enough. I'd wait untill the center mid-rib of the frond yellows before cutting it off. All the others look fine. You're fortunate to have a climate that will allow you to grow such fine palms. Cheers, Barrie.
Thanks Barrie! Here is another one for you - I found one of my fronds in the back yard palm snapped and hanging over my neighbors fence. The branch part (where the snap was) showed half of it to be green (the part that was still hanging on) and the other half brown (the part that snapped). The first part of the frond was all brown and dead while the other part over my neighbor's fence was just perfectly green. Do you think they yanked it to break it? I don't think it could have been wind - we haven't had bad weather here!
Pretty hard for me to speculate as to what your neighbors are willing to do. If they where even silly enough to do this, it won't have any effect on your palm, assuming that's their intention. Cheers, Barrie.
i can see the only frond that is giving you a hard time is the oldest one. im assuming the palms were recently put in. if so, its just a little transplant shock, nothing serious. to be sure, sprinkle some epsom salt around it, for magnesium. good luck -luke