I would like to plant the Queen Elizabeth II rose in commemoration of her: I looked on line but the only one I found was 114.00 (!!) Does anyone know of a nursery on Vancouver Island that carries this lovely pink rose: would be a pleasurable way of remembering her. txs everyone
Greetings Ron Paragon of Plants! great weblink: closest is the USA Maybe someone 'up here' will carry these beauties next year. cheers
Otherwise any time a body is looking to find out who has offered a particular item searching the combination "[item name] price" on the web will turn up listings. Also note that the designations Queen Elizabeth II and The Queen Elizabeth II are in use for two different introductions.
Hello - yes this rose crossed my mind too. I recall a Queen Elizabeth rose is a lovely Candy pale pink back in the 1960s I remember an English friend bought it (in Bc) as a gift for our Vanc parents I suggest you go to your specialty garden Center now in November (are you near Dinters just south of Cowichan Duncan?) and ask if they can order for you — in a pot, either now (barring frozen weather) or first truck next spring @Margot likely knows the best for east coast Vanc Island north of Malahat and south of Campbell River you have a lovely idea for someone who is most of most of us’s lives. Great respect always.
Dear Georgia Strait thank you so much for the suggestion: I will reach out in Nanaimo and in Port Alberni. Yes, it is a nice way to hold remembrance. Cheers
I had to look — the rose I am referring to above was the 1954 version: https: //en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_'Queen_Elizabeth' (need to copy and paste this link then remove the space, as the single quotation mark at the end always breaks the URL) Whereas it seems you’re looking for the more recent version bred for the Queen’s recent platinum jubilee oh just reading the description in link below is tempting! The hints of gold and cream with that elegant pink … and a subtle scent The Queen Elizabeth II Rose by Harkness Roses - QEST I expect it will be important for you to clarify which of the two you wish to order
Here are some other flowering plants named in Queen Elizabeth honour link below i have clematis montana Elizabeth over on the mainland coast this side of Salish sea it does well once established — I grew it up a regular cedar tree so it can have roots in shade // head in sun (a clematis preference ) https://www.gardensillustrated.com/feature/plants-named-after-queen-elizabeth/