The garden has QR code markers throughout, with information about what you're seeing. Each of the tour stops is clearly numbered and has a graphical QR (quick response) code on the sign. Using a smart phone QR code reader (a number of different ones are available free on the Internet), one merely has to point the smart phone at the QR code, and the smart phone does the rest. For each stop on the tour is a short descriptive write up and a corresponding sound file. Tapping the play button allows you to hear the description read aloud. Without internet access, next best is to follow through at home by keying in the URL under the QR code, for instance for Ginkgo biloba in the Prehistoric Plants Tour. This brings up a text document but no sound. The text documents accompanied by sound clips are here: UBC Botanical Garden Self-Guided Tours Here is the soundcloud page for just the sound clips: ubcgarden I posted this link in some posting over a year ago, but it took me a long time to find it now, and at the time, I hadn't found the text documents accompanied by sound.