Someone posted a picture of a very interesting plant on GW, and it bugs me that I'm not even able determine which family it belongs to. Maybe someone here could take a look at it? "Saw this at the Skylands Botanic Garden in Ringwood, NJ today. Flower stalks about a foot tall, leaves flat, about an inch wide, in a clump. Growing in a low spot near a creek."
I think this is Cymophyllus fraserianus syn. Cymophyllus fraseri aka Fraser's cymophyllus. Flora of North America account for Cymophyllus fraserianus scanned illustration from "North American Cariceae" As an aside, please confirm you've permission to post the photograph, out of respect for the person's copyright.
Thank you, that looks like a perfect match! Wonder if I'm able to find a nursery that carries it here in Europe. I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that I don't have permission to post the photo. I don't think she'll mind and I have posted a note in the GW thread, but you should probably delete it anyway.