I planted two pygmy date palms by my pool over a year ago. For the most part, they have been doing very well up until a couple months ago. The fronds on one of the trunks started turning brown quickly and dying off to the point I removed the last few. I added a balanced liquid palm fertilizer but to no avail. The top of the trunk where the new fronds come out seems very damp/wet and I'm wondering if I have trunk rot or some kind of fungal infection. Any ideas on how I can save this palm?? Thank you!
Read through this article, as it is a possibility: https://phys.org/news/2019-07-thousands-palm-trees-dying-disease.html The symptom of dampness/wetness is not mentioned in the article, though I could see it happening with dying plant tissue. Then, contact your local extension office: Find Your Local Office - UF/IFAS Extension Would appreciate a follow-up after you hear what they say.