I've just recently purchased a pink pussy willow....with the intention of planting it in my front garden...that's just been block paved... theres a small space to plant a shrub/tree...my concern is if I plant the pussy willow...will the roots eventually damage the block paving ..by pushing the paving upwards ..as it was suggested that the roots damage water pipes...please advise before I plant
Might be helpful to know a scientific name... but, lacking that, were you told a height that the tree or shrub would grow to?
Hi Pauline - welcome to the UBC Forums! In my opinion - and this is just an opinion - no willow would be a 'top drawer' choice for the position you describe. For one thing, willows (Salix) are deciduous (losing all their leaves over the winter) and also, they are notorious for roots that spread widely and are very aggressive in seeking out moisture. I would be looking for an evergreen plant that grows taller than wide. If you want to send a photo of the space you have in mind, we may be able to provide some specific suggestions.