Here is a flower picture I took a few weeks back and I can't seem to find a match in my flower book. Any idea what it is?
I assume that the flower was not at all blue but possibly dark rose or magenta-colored. If this is true I think that the photograph shows some kind of willowherb (Epilobium). Unfortunately this is a rather difficult genus in Switzerland. If the flowers were rather big and conspicuous with intensely magenta colored petals that were about 1.5 to 2.5 cm long then you might have taken a photograph of the great hairy willowherb (Epilobium hirsutum). But there are numerous species with smaller flowers that are usually much lighter in color.
I checked my other files and the color is more or less correct. It looks to have been darkened a little in post processing. The other thing that I noticed when I went back to the origianl group is that this may be a very small flower on a stem with many small flowers. The EXIF photo data tells me I was using my macro lens at close range. There is also an Epilobium angustifolium in the same group of pictures. Is it possible that this picture is just a blossom of that? I've looked at some Epilobium hirsutum and it certainly is a possibility. Many images I found on Google images have similar coloring and structure. It looks like a better match than Epilobium angustifolium but, I suppose either is possible. charlie
Ron is right. This cannot be fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium), which has flowers that look very different. I believe that it is a rather common problem with digital cameras that red or purple flowers appear rather blue on the photographs and the photograph looks rather dark anyway. The color is not much of an issue, however. I recently took a photograph of Epilobium hirsutum in southwestern Germany (September 8, somewhere between Beuren and Balzholz) which is enclosed here. The rather big, dark flowers are typical for the species. Of course not everyone would agree that a flower that might be between 1 and 2.5 cm in diameter is a big flower. For a willowherb it is rather big. The stems should be densely covered with short hairs. I do not know where Charlie found the flower but it might be somewhere in Europe (Switzerland?) And you can find lots of other willowherb species there. So I am still not sure which species it was even though Epilobium hirsutum would be still my best guess.