Sorry about the bee, but can anyone tell what the plant is? The flowers open up and have white centres. It was a bush about 2ft high. Thank you!
Don't be sorry about the bee. That's an awesome picture! The plant looks like something in the mint family...
Hehe, thank you :) Ooh, mint? OK, I'll have a look on the net at different mints. Thank you very much :)
Not sure what it is, but it isn't in the mint family, the flower structure is wrong. Possibly a Cleome?
The way the flowers are set up, it looks like a Hebe to me. If you google an image of Hebe 'Amy,' you can see what I mean. If you could put in a picture of the leaves, or the bush as a whole, it would help to identify it, whether it is a Hebe or not.
I thought hebe too, and would like to see a photo of the whole plant, and the leaves up close. But I'd also like to thank you, Michael, for the name of the bee. I have so many of them this year, especially on my Vitex, that I have been meaning to do some homework on them. So I just did; very interesting.
Yep, could well be Hebe - though I too would like to see the foliage! Thanks! Not sure though if Bombus terrestris occurs in Vancouver - it's the common bumble-bee over here (where the original poster also is). You'll need to check what species you get in Vancouver.
Brilliant - thanks very much, everyone :) I'll see if I can get a photo of the rest of the plant from my Aunt. I looked on to see if mine was on there, and there are zillions of them!!! I thought maybe Hebe 'Bracken Hill' looked close, because of the white centres. Thanks for the bee info, too! :D