I have a Purple Robe, that has been an amazing tree, with one issue. I keep getting insects that bore holes into the trunk of the tree at various levels. at one point they created a hole all the way through the tree. I have sprayed insect spray, wrapped the trunk, but nothing seems to help. I cannot see the insect, but have found earwigs in there, presumably eating the insects. Any ideas as to what they are and how to get rid of them? I am worried that the tree will break in the next windstorm due to the holes. I am located in Denver Colorado, USA. Thanks!
They've probably compromised the integrity of the tree, so if it's near any structures or other valuables I'd remove it. Otherwise a yearly soil drench with imacloprid should prevent future damage. http://www.google.com/products/cata...a=X&ei=y_LYT4esMoLO9QTSmrGzAw&ved=0CH4Q8wIwAA