Hi. Someone had given me a couple of seeds but they didn't know what they were. I gave it to my Mom for her garden. They are about 12-16 inches tall. They have a smaller to medium size med to dark purple flower. The flowers go all the way up the stem on all sides. They multiply into a lot of other plants every year. They are beautiful. If anyone can recognize these flowers by my little ole' description we sure woud be grateful and happy. Thanks so much for any help you can give us....Kathy :)
Larry - look up a Monty Python sketch called Dennis Moore. He steals Lupins from the rich and gives them to the poor.
I'd have thought all lupins were poisonous,especially the seeds which despite being related to peas and beans are like those of laburnum,toxic.
Well, I can attest that not all Lupins are toxic, Larry. The species I have personally eaten is Lupinus mutabilis - the Andean Lupin, or Chocho. They are actually very tasty!
The seeds, actually. They're bitter fresh off the plant, but if you soak them overnight, they lose that and become slightly sweet. They have a unique flavour, and a carb-protein breakdown similar to soy, but without the phytoestrogens. Chochos have been a part of the Andean staple diet for as long as history records. The most common way to eat Chochos is as a cebiche - this is soaked at least overnight in a marinade of lime, tomato, cilantro, and onion, often with hot peppers. They're also a really popular snack just fresh with a twist of lime or other citrus. Street vendors sell them; 25 cents is a really really big bag of Chochos.
Holy Monty Python!!!! You don't know who Dennis Moore is? How soon the forget.....or were you even born yet? Just how "green" are you? What about Michael Moore? BTW, what does a lupin sound like? I would imagine they taste like any other legume.
Hi Everyone. I just wanted to say thanks for searching for my purple flowers. All of your replies were good and very entertaining and funny. And yes, go Monty Python. lol. I finally found out what they are. Campanula.."Superba". Very cute flowers that spread well. Thanks again for everything. You all rock. :) Kathy
Nope,haven't a clue. I love Monty Python but wasn't allowed to watch it when i was a kid in the 70s so missed most of it. Michael Moore is the bloke that did that Columbine program and stuff. And as for the sound of lupins,you been smoking em? ;)
Sorry. I'm 57 and I definetly know who Monty Python is. Watched them all the time. Loved some of these guys in other movies also. Cool dudes. Party on. :)