Some advice please. I live in Regina Sask on the praries. In the spring I want to put in a lawn not sure if it will be sod or seeded approx. 500 sq ft. The base soil is pure sand very fine sand when it rains in a matter of minutes it is dry. I was planning on laying down a bed of yellow clay and then top soil. How deep should the clay be and how deep should the top soil be. Or is there a better way of doing this. Thanks for any info.
Thankyou for the reply. The soil on the lot is pure sand and it goes down at least 10 feet so I will have to add to the top of the lot but I don't know how much yellow clay to add before I add the top soil. When it rains the ground dries up very fast. Loam is what you want. Around my area if you add sand to our limey clay it will harden to a brick in dry weather.