Please help identify. Locals don't have a clue. 2 plants at Lowe's were labeled "split leaf philodendrons". I DON"T think so. New leaves are burgundy, turning to burnished copper, eventually to green. Underside midribs are burgundy. Now sending out aerial roots. Maybe a Philly relative? Weeks later, 3rd plant, variegated leaves, was in section of Walmart plants labeled "hardy in zone 8", tag said good to 10F. But no proper name, so can I trust its "hardiness"? Would this be a "cousin" to the first 2? Attached Thumbnails (click on thumbnail to enlarge)
I agree with JungleKeeper .. the 4th one is a Stromanthe sanguinea 'Triostar' tey are a beautifull plant .. usually kept indoors.. i have always wanted one of them .. :) Marn
Thank you for the quick ID on #3! I've planted it where our drive splits, more protected from wind, and will use "winter blanket" just received from Gardeners' Supply. Have downloaded info to put in my "Have These" binder. I see that cultivars have variations in variegation...Oooooh. Now back to numbers 1 & 2- What are they??????????????????? All I can think of to do is keep one potted in the greenhouse so I don't lose it, (and treat the other as I will my hardys). I can't do much more of this as potted things grew so much over the summer- (ex. 3 hibiscus about 6'x6'ea). Will bring Calvin Split-leaf into house, as he's even wider, and I do need room to care for my smaller babies & starts. Thanks again!!
this might be your other plant .. Philly Imperial Red here is the link to some onfo and a pic .. mayb you can go from there and see if it is .. good luck .. Marn
Thanks, Marn. I went to that site and looked at Imperial Red and Autumn- hmmm. Will investigate other sites to see other pics. I suppose soil & light would affect color. I had the potted one sitting in the herb garden (next to a pineapple) where it received more light, and it had darker reds & coppers than the one in medium shade. Will let you know. Thanks again!
your welcome .. and ya the amount of light will effect the coloring of the plant .. hope you find out what it is .. Marn
Hi, Marn... I didn't find very many decent photos of either cultivar, but so far they look to be Philodendron x 'Autumn'. Maybe. (Don't you love the certainty?) I hope that time will tell. So far, The in-ground and the split leaf are happy in the 40F evenings, while the other 'Autumn'(?) needs a bigger pot. Did I mention that Calvin, my older but potted split-leaf, must've been jealous of Benjy (in-ground)? When we went to move him to the greenhouse, I had to cut four aerial roots that had slithered under mulch, into the dirt about 12-14'. He made it impossible to get to all the other plants, so he's been moved down the hill to the house. Take care! OG
lol.. you should see my Split Leaf in my bedroom .. the ariel roots are growing all over the dresser and down the dresser and back up and along things i need to cut it back it is growing like crazy .. it is a very short plant but the leaves are a good foot across .. it loves were it is sitting .. all my plants on that dresser just love that window .. my string of hearts plant has been blooming .. my christmas cactus is starting to sprout buds .. it is a south faceing window .. and it gets late morning/early noon sun .. i still think your plant is an Imperial Red philly .. Marn
We'll see how it /they go, Marn...Maybe Red, maybe Autumn... I just noticed my cacti- I've never seen so many buds on them; they should really be pretty. They usually also bloom at Easter and sometimes in the summer, so I guess they're happy. It'll be a treat to have them actually bloom for Christmas. What's a 'string of hearts' plant? Sounds like a vine. Do you have a pic? My bananas look pretty good. The 2 that I planted @ April to replace one that didn't make it through last winter, have grown to almost 6' tall and have leaves 4-5' long. (composted manure) The one that survived had died to the ground, but came back, and is only about 3' high. 'Sure hope they all make it o.k. this year. Oh, and the kumquats are loaded and starting to turn orange. Yummy! What do you have going in Oregon? Apples? Take care! OG
that will be cool if it blooms for christmas ... mine is budding now and on one im getting a double bloom i cant wait .. i hope they bloom together .. :) here is the string of hearts/rosary vine .. it is a very pretty delicate plant .. i wished i took pics when it was blooming .. it is growing all over my dresser .. and im also posting a pic of my favorite plant .. my Variegated Split Leaf Philodendron ... it is my all time favorite and cant wait to get more leaves on it ... :) We have alot of apples here in North East Oregon .. and apricots and pears and cherrys .. i live in a really nice valley up in the mountains .. alot of great stuff to do and wildlife here in my backyard... check out my website and you will see the wildlife pics .. :) Marn