Maybe you can find out from them if they have sold any to retailers in BC.
Thanks Ron, I've actually imported stuff from LE Cooke in the past, but they don't export any Prunus to Canada anymore, due to Canadian import requirements which demand pre-treatments which (according to LE Cooke) result in unacceptable levels of stock death. Seems to be an easy tree to get in the States, but very difficult to find in Canada.
Van Dusen Botanical Display Garden, Vancouver had more than one example of a floriferous single reddish form perfuming the park in season some years ago. Perhaps there has been some planting of the pits of these over the years, resulting in plants for sale by the Garden itself (at the sale events held there) - if this kind of thing is ever done by the Garden - or by other parties taking fruits from these trees (with or without permission) and planting them elsewhere. If you haven't I would check Gerald Staley's Vancouver tree book to see if any locations for the species are given there. Fruiting often occurs down here, otherwise if you ever do any grafting you might be able to get scions from an existing tree on a Vancouver property. This would be done to avoid seedling variation, including thorny individuals with tiny, pale, single flowers.
I haven't seen any trees available but occasional the seeds are available through in Montreal - out of stock at this time though. FYI, this might be the only way you will get one because most fruit trees - even if they are ornamental - can not be imported into BC due to strict regulations to protect out orchards. And Veseys can not ship apples or cherries to BC so any type of fruit is probably out of the question through them.
Thanks: I have a few seed sources, but was hoping to find a couple of more established trees. I've actually imported a lot of fruit trees into BC, mainly from Oregon and California: mulberries, persimmons, jujubes, shipova, etc. The big issue is with Prunus and/or Pyrus, and even these are importable, if one can find a wholesaler who is willing to take on the risk (attrition wise) of fumigating stock, etc.
I bought one a few years ago from a bonsai seller in Quebec called Bonsai ENR. Maybe they still sell them.....