I have an old apple tree at least 35 years old that does not appear to ever having been pruned. It has what I call suckers which grow on every branch. there was two apples on the tree this year and they were wonderful. This is Sept. in South Surrey and I wonder if there is anything I can do now to prune this tree. Unfortunately we are away all winter and do not return until mid April. Any advice would be appreciated.
You can do some fall pruning. I would avoid taking off branches larger than 3cm. Take off as many suckers as you can. On the whole, since it hasn't been pruned regularly, do not try to restore it to a tidy, bearing tree in one go: it will take at least a few years of moderate pruning to get it into a better shape. Ohio State University has a superb fact sheet on this topic: http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1150.html
You have to study the tree and prune branches according to other factors than how big they are. This kind of thing requires experience, maybe you should hire it out--keeping in mind that many customers will think appalling butchery is the correct approach when searching out someone to do the work.
If you can make heads or tails of a couple of images, I have a couple that may be useful. You can develop sprouts into fruit spurs with just a few years of pruning, if you don't cut certain one's off entirely. Just pick ones in good places to initiate twigs for fruit. The images I show, were of pruning that barely covered two years. Go to this page first... http://www.mdvaden.com/gallery1.shtml Then pick the tree care album from that page. The images of the apple tree training are #79 through #82. That shows 2 growing seasons worth of results. And I did get flowers and some apples on them. The trees were about 3 years old, trained into tall narrow pyramidal forms - 14' high and 3 to 4 feet wide at the bottom. I lightly thin the interior canopy of my apple trees in the summer.