Both of my lacecap and oakleaf hydrangeas have beome very leggy..I didn't prune them at all last year and there is alot of stem on both between ground and leaves. Both are in shade and reaching. If I prune them before August, as has been suggested, how far can I cut them back? I'd like to cut them down to about 2 feet off the ground to get them to fill out, but doing that in the growing season would kill them, wouldn't it? Thanks, Jane
I would cut them back now...they still have time to form new buds etc for next year. It will not kill them.
Hi Levilyla, When you say now, do you mean cut off all the flower heads this week before they have completed flowering? Or can I enjoy the flowering for a while and cut them back in early to mid July? Thanks, Jane
Of course enjoy the blooms! I think they set buds for next year after August sometime...You can cut some of the oldest woody stems back to the ground. Just remember that they bloom on OLD wood (this years growth) so if you cut that back too late you will sacrifice flowering on those shoots for next year.