We have a large Mimosa tree in our back yard. It is about 25 years old and never has been pruned or cut back. Can someone please advise me on the proper way to do this? It really means alot to us as my Mother planted it some 25 years ago and we certainly dont want to harm it. The reason we want to prune it if possible is that the bottom branches are very large and on the ground. The tree is about25 feet tall. Will it endanger the tree to prune the bottom branches and off chutes? George Myers gmye2@aol.com
what is the goal you are trying to achieve, why do you think it needs pruning? that would help on giving you advice.
If it has deadwood cutting that out would make it look better, otherwise if you want to preserve it you will not be whacking it back, http://www.plantamnesty.org/stoptopping/5reasonstostoptopping.htm
The tree itself is 30 35 feet high. I just want to get the lower branches up off the ground and I didnt think it would hurt to shorten these branches. Some of them are probably 10 or 12 feet long. Thanks for your advise.
Low forking crowns often shown by these here, might be able to prune lower branches back with a reasonable result if they are not all that big. If you have somebody in to look at it one credential to look for with somebody you don't already know to be well-informed is International Society of Arboriculture (ISA).
Dixie: I am trying to get the lower branches off the ground. They are very large. Just want to shape this tree a little. Dont intend on cutting top branches
sounds good, here is a great resource on making the proper pruning cuts. it has nice illustrations. good luck! http://www.na.fs.fed.us/Spfo/pubs/howtos/ht_prune/prun001.htm
Large branches should not be removed, it is too late for training a tree into a particular shape when its branches have become large. Trees do not heal, when large branches removed large openings into the trunk are left, through which decay agents may enter. A hole may be left in the trunk that remains even after the tree has walled off the cavity on the inside and grown new bark over the opening. When large portions of trees are removed all at once it also is apt to send the tree into an overall decline. Branches store energy that is used to make growth later.
Rob B. A well pointed article regarding the topping of trees (Plant Amnesty). I've seen some bad tree trimming and topping over the years. Makes you wonder how some of the companies get licenses to operate. Thanks, LPN.
George, mimosa tends to be a short lived tree, so consider pruning large limbs with great care. I would suggest you have 2 or 3 certified arborists consult on what is the best way to limb up your tree. Check references. Newt