just wondering whether there is anyone out there who has had experience pruning a dwarf korean lilac .. it is just doing its second bloom, and then i would like to prune and shape it .. it's already quite big .. likely 4 1/2' tall, and at least as wide .. it's starting to block the walkway .. i'm assuming i can prune it once it finishes flowering, but will i be cutting off next spring's blossoms .. thanks
Don't prune it now, it's getting ready to go dormant and you'll stress the heck out of it. You could wait til Nov., but spring is a much better time, and then you'll have a choice of waiting til flowering is finished, or doing it in March and never mind flowers that season.
okay .. that helps, rima, thanks .. i was wondering about the timing, in particular, because of the second bloom .. if i prune it after it blooms in the spring, it may not do a second bloom, i guess .. that's the interesting part about pruning a twice bloomer .. timing ..