pruning cedar hedge roots

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Lurmac, Apr 4, 2010.

  1. Lurmac

    Lurmac Member

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    Ladysmith, British Columbia
    I have a long mature cedar hedge. It is very tall and needs to be pruned up top as getting too tall. But that question is for another day. My plan is to create a gravel walkway along side the hedge (between my house and the hedge), as it is too muddy. We will encounter a lot of roots...will it kill the hedge if we cut some of the roots? Is it okay to cut the thinner roots (ie. 1/4 to 1/2 inch thickness)? This hedge is 'golden' to us as it is a very effective privacy wall, our neighbour's house is close on the other side. I couldn't tell you what type of cedar it is.

    Any feedback would be much appreciated!

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    It will be affected. How much cannot be predicted on this web site. You may see no change or you may end up doing enough damage to see some deleterious effects.

    If you cut the tops back hard into bare wood you will be looking at bare wood indefinitely. Recovery will depend on new growth coming in from the sides, this could take many years - and may never be complete.

    Most conifers do not sprout well, if at all from behind the existing outer shell of foliage.

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