When is the best time to start pruning those trees. The weather seems to be really warm this year. I live in Comox, B.C. and we just move in to our new house. The fruit trees have been neglected and overgrowned and were infected by various bugs it seems. Should i spray ? when? Thanks
right now is the bets time to prune your fruit tree and right up till bloom. for next year, as soon as the leaves fall off you can start prunning fruit tree. now is also the time to spray dormant oil and lime sulpher. you can also do a dormant oil only spray as the buds start to open to get mite control nites overwinter in the bud so they have to be open a bit for the oil to the mite eggs. generaly mite are not much of a problen on the coast.good luck with the prunning
Pruning Article There is a nice overview of pruning here: http://www.homeorchardsociety.org/article/14/
Re: Pruning Article That link is broken, they might have meant this one: http://www.homeorchardsociety.org/growfruit/trees/how-to-prune-fruit-trees/