Pruning and training a new plum tree

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by roachslayer, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. roachslayer

    roachslayer Member

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    Seattle, WA

    I recently bought a plum tree with multiple varieties grafted in: Beauty, Shiro and Italian Prune. Beauty is the main leader at the top, with 6 or 7 tall shoots straight up about 8 feet total height, some smaller ones crossing over others. Shiro and Italian each have ONE single branch coming off the main trunk.

    Worth noting also, I am a total noob. :)

    I have a serious pruning/training question:
    How do I get more branches established for Shiro and Italian prune in this case, and do it properly? Do I simply trim each 1/3? or do I trim them way back with 6+ buds from the main trunk? They each are over 4 feet out right now, lots of buds all the way up. No fruit anywhere.

    As for pruning the Beauty at the top, I believe its wise to prune the smaller branches that are crossing over the others competely off, leaving maybe 3 tall branches that I can train outwards rather than upwards.

    Lastly, my understanding is to do this NOW in June for best avoidance of disease. But its a bit conflicting since summer pruning inhibits growth on a new little tree, yes?

    Can anyone offer some tips based on this info? I mainly need to know how to get the shiro and italian single branches going, and establised properly.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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