Hi, Does anyone know any good tricks to get fireweed seeds to grow? Yes, I know that many gardeners consider it an annoying pest, but I love it!! Unfortunately though, I've only ever managed to get a couple plants to grow in my Vancouver garden (bright sun, minimal plant cover, moist soil). Well, this year I've collected a bunch of seeds from a friend's garden and would like to get as many of them to germinate as possible. Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can increase my chances of success?? Thx!
Scatter the seeds on some bare soil and water them in. Alternatively, ask your friend if you can dig a plant up and move it.
Thanks. Yes, I've done just that: laid out all the fluff & seeds on a soil tray, covered with a thin layer of dirt, and tried to keep them moist. Hopefully they'll germinate & take hold - I collected a ton of fluff, so hopefully at least one or two will grow for me... And if worst comes to worst, I suppose I could always resort to taking a root cutting (she won't give me a whole plant) - that's supposed to work really well too, but I've never had much luck with cuttings so I'm wary of relying on that too much. Anyway, thanks for your suggestion MichaelF. Cross your fingers...