Hi. I planted 2 LL Lindens 7 years ago and they have flourished as they currently have trunks which are approximately 7 inches in diameter . But this year I've noticed that one of them is considerably less dense than the other , with quite a few buds which haven't opened and some which have wilted , especially up to half its hieght ; the top half seems to be ok and there are no bare branches anywhere on the tree . Could the cold Spring temps we've had here in Ontario be the cause even though the other tree is fine ? I just tried to boost it with some fertilizer and am waiting for any results . Plenty of rain eliminates moisture as the problem...I think . Any advice ? Thanks .
Would it be possible to share some photographs, possibly with a bit of the landscape (i.e., are these near the street or roads?)
Daniel , I'm afraid I can't post pictures b/c my computer is from another age . The tree is in my back yard away from the street and any salt , etc. . I have mulched with cedar bark , and inserted fertilizer spikes every Spring except currently I am using a water soluble 20-20-20 fertilizer/2 weeks for quicker action . Is there anything else I can do or watch for ? Thank you .