I have a Hibiscus that I have had for several years. In the spring i took on the task of re-potting it as it had outgrown it's existing home. Needless to say the re-potting failed, it lost all of it's leaves and sat looking like a dried up twig for the next couple of months. In hopes that it was just in shock i continued watering it and the day before the garbage day that I was going to pitch it noticed new buds emerging from the base of the tree. Since then many more have come out and are growing quite nicely. What I now need help with is what should i do. All of the news leaves are on the bottom 12" and above that continues to be bare twigs. I need to do something but am concerned that by cutting the top part off will cause the tree to go into shock or further the damage that has been done. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.