I have a dwarf banana tree that has wilting leaves and the leaves have brown areas on them. The plant was doing great since we got it a few months ago and was growing a new set of leaves about every week. We've transplanted it twice already. It was doing good, but now we have really drooping leaves and its not looking so good. I had water left in the bottom catch basin.. did we over water it? Can we save it?, how? Thanks...
Check if there is pockets of water in the trunk. Drain/squeeze it out until it won't be able to store water there again. You will see it soaked and rotting from it. it will slow the dying leaves
Lennab, could we see some pictures of the whole plant and the brown areas? Is this in the ground or in a container? How much sun has it been getting? Do you know which dwarf banana it is? It looks like Salida is in for some freezing weather this week. You do understand that they die back at least to the ground level in freezing weather? I keep mine in a cool-but-not-freezing garage with lights over the winter.
This was a 15-year-old thread that was revived--I approved the reply as a possible resolution for someone else looking for the information.