There was an E-flora request to send photo of any of a long list of invasives (see this posting). I don't know most of the plants in this "planting", but this house does seem to be specializing in invasives. I couldn't help myself from taking the photos. I particularly like that one with the thick deep green leaves and hefty tendrils. I don't know it at all, but it just says "invasive". I can see bindweed and Russian vine, I think. I don't know what the one with the spray of teeny flowers is, and I don't know what the yellow leaves are, or the tall spikes at the top. Surely there must be blackberry in there. And that's just the back of the house. In the front, this Avium cherry is covered with holly and English ivy. There's bamboo in the yard (not visible in the photos). But also a great looking fig tree. That's not invasive, is it? Not here, anyway.
Except for the broadness of the leaf, relative to its length the thick-leaved climber is just like Actinidia deliciosa I have seen here.
(Sigh) Daniel just showed us kiwifruit at his talk on Monday. It's becoming invasive in New Zealand, but doesn't seem to be here. It was a very impressive looking plant.
Most forested regions have rainy summers. The annual drying out during the growing season here restricts many plants that might otherwise go wild.