I have a princess flower plant and am going to winterize it, can I transfer it to a larger pot now, or should I wait till spring.
Unless it needs repotting because of being rootbound, I'd just put the pot in a much larger one with its own drain holes and stuff mulch in between and on top, otherwise if it can wait til spring it would be much better off.
Thank you Rima, I am new to the gardening thing, so I appologize for my silly questions. If I was to put it into a larger pot, would I put holes all over the smaller one, to let the roots grow through and not bother with repotting it? It has moss over the top of the pot now, does this do the same thing as mulch?
Lynda--I'm overwintering a couple of these, and don't see much point in potting them on right now when they're basically dormant. Just keep the roots from freezing, hopefully they got thru the cold snap okay...and pot into a larger container when it starts growing again in spring. The mulch is good if you need to protect the roots from cold, or just put it into a frost free area like a cool greenhouse or cool, bright room. Right now, of course, it would be fine outside...just be alert to hard freezes which would mean yanking it indoors again.