I have some 50+ feet cedars in the back yard, and recently took off a few of the bottom branches as they were beginning to seriously encroach on the lawn. Now that I have this lovely bare space (about 25' in length) where the branches used to be, I'd like to plant some shrubs there. Any ideas are very welcome! One side of the shrub will get full sun throughout the year. It needs to be drought tolerant, and like acidic soil, ideally flower (in summer or fall), AND have interesting foliage (not that I ask a lot!). They shouldn't get more than 4-6' high, width can be almost anything. I've acquired a ceanothus foliosus 'joan mirov' that could become about 8' wide, 3' high, and is just beginning to flower now. Very deep blue flowers. Thanks in advance!
Hi Jacky, Here's some that come to mind. I don't know your hardiness zone so you'll have to double check these. Itea virginica - Virginia sweetspire http://www.hort.uconn.edu/plants/i/itevir/itevir1.html Baptisia australis - Blue false indigo (not a woody shrub, but a sub shrub that is herbaceous). You may have trouble finding this where you are. http://www.northcreeknurseries.com/Plants/Baptisia australis.htm http://www.mobot.org/gardeninghelp/plantfinder/plant.asp?code=B660 There's a white one too - Baptisia alba - white false indigo http://www.mobot.org/gardeninghelp/plantfinder/Plant.asp?code=B650 Dogwood shrubs are great for the birds and other critters. How about Cornus alba - Tatarian Dogwood with it's lovely white berries and red stems in the winter with your evergreen background? http://www.hort.uconn.edu/plants/c/coralb/coralb1.html There's a variegated one too! Cornus alba "Cream Cracker" http://www.icangarden.com/neweden/cornus.htm Cornus racemosa - Gray dogwood http://www.hort.uconn.edu/plants/c/corrac/corrac1.html http://www.mobot.org/gardeninghelp/plantfinder/Plant.asp?code=J930 Cornus sanguinea - bloodtwig dogwood http://www.mobot.org/gardeninghelp/plantfinder/Plant.asp?code=S380 http://www.mobot.org/gardeninghelp/plantfinder/Plant.asp?code=T790 Cornus sericea - redtwig dogwood http://www.hort.uconn.edu/plants/c/corser/corser1.html http://www.mobot.org/gardeninghelp/plantfinder/Plant.asp?code=V470 http://www.mobot.org/gardeninghelp/plantfinder/Plant.asp?code=T870 Cornus sericea 'Budd's Yellow' - yellowtwig dogwood http://www.mobot.org/gardeninghelp/plantfinder/Plant.asp?code=Q510 Cornus sericea 'Silver and Gold' another yellowtwig but it's vareigated. http://www.mobot.org/gardeninghelp/plantfinder/Plant.asp?code=C330 Caryopteris x clandonensis - Blue-mist Shrub - another herbaceous shrub http://www.hort.uconn.edu/plants/c/carcla/carcla1.html Viburnum 'Eskimo' - one of the smaller viburnums http://www.usna.usda.gov/Newintro/eskimo.html Ilex verticillata - winterberry You'll need a male and a female to make the wonderful red berries that will look fantastic with a green background and all those winter birds! Ilex verticillata 'Red Sprite' http://www.mobot.org/gardeninghelp/plantfinder/Plant.asp?code=K660 and her mate Ilex verticillata 'Jim Dandy' http://www.mobot.org/gardeninghelp/plantfinder/Plant.asp?code=K650 That should get you started. Newt