No Stumpers for a couple weeks. I photographed this young plant in the wild at a world heritage site. I am not sure if this will be too easy or not. Hopefully not, then I will give clues.
I know this! But don't want to give the game away so early. Sufficient to say that the world heritage site is a little closer to me than to most of you folks.
No, not zammia, not a fern. It is native to TonyR's homeland. This plant and the strangler fig in this thread were photographed at Daintree Rainforest, which is "over one hundred and thirty-five million years old – the oldest [rainforest] in the world." It is misleading to use Little in the title. This is a young little plant in the image, less than 30cm tall and wide, but the stems can grow to a metre or two. (Sorry, I meant little as in a little young one.) This is not a flowering plant. Here is a photo of the other species in the genus (only two spp.) taken at the Royal Sydney Botanic Garden.
Cycad. Couldn't have done that without the hint. If not Zamia, what about Stangeria[SIZE=+0]. [/SIZE]Nope, after further research for the correct country, I must edit this post for the third time. It must be a Bowenia. B. spectabilis if smooth margins or B. serrulata.
Yes Bowenia spectabilis and the other at RBG Sydney is B. serrulata. Very well done tipularia, it is a rare plant. My next clue was going to be, "Well, I guess this is a stranger to most of you."
"Too easy", Eric. (but not in the sense you meant.) The moment I placed the mouse pointer over the thumbnail to enlarge, my browser popped up the file name "Bowenia.jpg".
Pedalada is right. I saw the same thing but kept quiet - thought it would be unfair for me to participate any further. I had fallen into the same trap before, until someone had the kind heart to clue me in privately. One of these days, I will post a stumper with an image file that has a file name of a different plant entirely, just to throw you guys off! That would be mean, wouldn't it?
I swear I didn't see it. I have looked at filenames before, but only after the photo was clicked on to enlarge it. I thought the forum program renamed the photos automatically.
I always give mine filenames like "quiz.jpg". There doesn't seem to be any limit to the number of times a filename can be re-used.
Thanks, I grabbed an image that had already been named for another use. I did think about that on the second image from Sydney, but did not go back to look at the file name of my first image. Well, now I (we all) know not to do that on a stumper.