I need some advice on how to propagate my pregnant onion plant. I've taken the small bulbs produced by the mother plant and placed then partially inserted in some soil. The bulbs have rooted but several months later there is still no new growth. Are these bulbs slow to get going or is there another trick I need to know?
Could you post this in the "Caudiciform and Pachycaul Tree" forum. One of our members, "rockminer", is growing these plants and may be able to help. Mark
In my experience patience is the key. These plants are very durable but slow growing. As long as the bulbil is hydrated and green just continue waiting. I have waited up to a year for the first leaves to appear. Bill
Where can you purchase a pregnant onion? I've had my eye on this plant for some time now with no luck. =o/ *michelina*
Do a web search for "Ornithogalum bulbs". There are several sites on the web selling several different species.