This is my first post, and maybe it should be in the edible plants forums, however! Along with gardening I am an amateur aviculturist, and I wondered if anyone knows if the seeds on the pregnant onion are edible for birds. A horticulturist who is also an aviculturist once told me that birds won't eat anything poisonous, but I just can't find it in myself to totally trust my birds lives with that statement. So if you know, or can point me somewhere else to ask, I woud greatly appreciate it. 8) Demi
Ornithogalum (Pregnant Onions) are not edible. If you do a web search, you will find several references to their poisonous nature, although, it does appear that some species may be more toxic than others. When in doubt, keep the birds away from it. Mark
Thanks, Mark, I was afraid that would be the answer, and if it had been edible, I have no doubt I would have found that out quickly. Most of the references to the toxicity mentioned the foliage, not the seeds, so I wanted to try to clarify. Back to dandelions and milk thistles.