Hi all. Whenever you cold stratify seeds, what is your preferred fugicide to mix in? Is hydrogen peroxide a viable option? I have some stronger stuff, but would rather not mess with it unless truly necessary. Kyle
Hi Kyle, I use a squirt of bordeaux mix (copper sulfate in suspension) in both the soak -- 24 hours -- and the bag of sand/peat. I think hydrogen peroxide in s strong enough solution to kill fungus would potentially damage the seed. cheers, -E
Thank Emery. I’m not certain where I can find that copper solution over here in the states, but I’m sure it’s available.
No problem. I think folks use Phyton27 but I believe it's pretty expensive. There's probably a cheaper solution available.
I dilute peroxide to 300-900 ppm for as a general purpose, broad spectrum, fungicide/antiseptic. This is essentially application strength ZeroTol which is sold for organic gardening. At this strength is is effective and doesn't seem to damage seed. In fact I spray it to take care of damping off fungus and on all my trees at the first sign of a possible fungus infection. Stronger solutions can be used as a root drench for root rot, but I'm pretty sure that nixes mico. As the more dilute foliar spray, I don't think it much of a threat to friendly stuff, but if one habitually oversprays it might be, IMHO.
Some gardeners make their own Bordeaux mix according to recipes found on the web such as: Bordeaux Mixture--UC IPM I have no idea how much this would cost but would probably make far more than you need.