Hi to all plant lovers. I am hoping someone may be able to identify this plant my Grandmother gave about 20 yrs ago. She always called it a Black Caladium. I know it is not a caladium but I have been unable to correctly identify it. It looks more like the Giant Elephant Ear, only mine has purplish/black stems, very dark green nearly black leaves with prominent veins. It does get an insignificant flower at times. Any help identifying my precious will be very much appreciated. Cheers aussiemight
Thanks Ali, yes I have. It's beautiful but not my plant. The one you're showing me has mat leaves mine has glossy. Cheers Aussiemight
Ok here's another shot the pic is 3/4 the way down this link and is called Alocasia sedenii. http://community-2.webtv.net/mulletgutz/RandyShermsPlant/page2.html Is there any chance that you can post a pic? Ali