so for xmas, my older sister took a cutting from here prayer plant and gave it to me. so far is a pot i have to stem cuttings, each about 5 inches tall w/ 2 leaves on them. any advice on how to care for this plant. i enjoy the look of this plant, and can't wait for it to grow!
Be sure to keep your plants good and humid, evenly moist and warmish. Bright indirect light. Good luck! Your sister makes good gift choices!
Maranta leuconeura kerchoviana, also known as "rabbit tracks" by it's pattern.... Looks good! Hope it flowers for ya!
I didn't either until it flowered one day, a nice surprise! I had Maranta leuconeura massangeana, the one with the fish-bone pattern.The flowers were a very light purple/lilac color.
I saw one of these in a garden centre today - my Mum was quite impressed when I knew what it was...but I only knew what it was after reading this thread before I left so thanks for that:) I really want a prayer plant, but I like the one with the fishbone pattern bluewing mentioned, at least I do if thats the one with dark leaves and red veins with sorta light yellowish green spots?
Just keep looking at different Marantas in the garden centers until you see one you like. Mine have a pronounced herringbone pattern and purple underleaves, but there are hundreds of different cultivars. Unfortunately, I can't ship you a corm, since you're in the UK and they prohibit import of South American plants unless you have a special permit.
Well I've only seen the one so far but it's on my 'list of plants I want', so I'll keep looking. No worries and thanks for even thinking of it.