I grew some tomatoes in pots this year. I notice powdery mildew has moved into my garden. It's attacking mainly the tomatoes, and wild peas. I was told this is normal for this time year in Vancouver. Once the tomatoes are done can I dump the old potted soil into the garden? If not what should I do with it. Thanks you for any advice.
Old potting mix should be fine in the open garden areas...lots of microbes good and bad tend to balance each other out in the natural world. You're right that the powdery is natural to occur here now...you'll notice the native maples getting covered in the stuff, happens every year and no way I can see to avoid the spores getting into our plants. At least it's toward the end of the main growing season. You could try a spray of diluted milk, I've heard of good results from that!
Thanks for all your help, and confirming that powdery mildew is common this time of the year. It's depressing every morning seeing another plant infected.
I have also heard that watered down milk helps also..never tried it myself, but there are some that swear by it.