Could anybody please tell me why, that no what brand of potting mix I purchase it all ways seems to contain small flys. Thanks Peter.
My guess is that the flies are not from the mix. Unless the flies waft out when you open the bag they are most likely fungus gnats. Let the top inch of the soil dry before watering again and the problem will go away. Fungus gnats are REALLY common.
Hi Peter, in a completely different setting, I found sciarid flies (fungus gnat) a huge problem. I worked in the quarantine insectary at South Perth (AgWA) for the dung beetle program. Warmth, moisture and ad lib dung provided perfect conditions for sciarids. The sciarids were implicated with considerable loss of dung beetle larvae in the rearing rooms. I did a "web" google and came up with a lot of sites. The following may be of use: Good luck John Perth