We live in Kelowna. We bought two large trachycarpus this spring and put them in the garden in the pots. We lifted them out this month. We planned to bring them inside but they have doubled in size and are very heavy and wide. We have repotted them in pots 24 inches wide x 20 inches deep. We would prefer to leave them on a covered deck over the winter. Would a 6 foot tall potted trachycarpus on a covered deck survive a Kelowna winter? At the very coldest, it has been known to drop down to -15 degrees C, but on average over the coldest months, it is -7 degrees C. If we were to cover it with Burlap etc., do you think it would survive? If we do decide to protect it with Burlap or batting, do we cover the whole plant including all the leaves or just the trunk and the pot?
K-Town. The most vulnerable part of your Windmill palm is the root system. The first year or two are the most critical for these since most are shipped from California and need time to aclimatize. These palms are a ways from being comfortable in Kelowna during winters worst and the sweltering heat in summer. There are growers in your area with better first hand info but again, the root system and exposure to freezing is critical. Burlap around the growth point during a hard freeze will go along way. Remove once the weather breaks. Realistically, one of the best ways to insulate the roots are to plant them in the ground. Cheers, LPN.
Dear LPN, Thank you for your prompt reply. We will try your suggestions. Wish us luck :) Yours, K-Town
Please bring them into the house if at all possible. Plant in the spring.I live in Kelowna as well trust me they will not make it .The roots will freeze and good by palms.Here is a cold hardy palm forum that should help you with your decision.www.palmsnorth.com John