Hi there, I have been searching around since yesterday when a plant was dropped off at our door with no memo or anything to figure out what kind of plant this is. Since its now cool outside, I really need to know what kind of plant it is, and how to take care of it. It may be a plant, but I cant just let it die or throw it away! It does have a very earthy, greenery smell to it.. my downstairs entryway smells like the plant now! Here is a picture of it attached. Thank you so much in advance!
Here is a closeup of its leaves, and its about 1.5 ft tall, not counting the planter. It would be cool if it was basil, as I've never had a basil plant before. But before I'd actually use it to make anything, I want to double check that it is indeed basil by showing you a closeup of the leaves. Thanks for the prompt reply and greeting. This forum is amazing, really. After finding it and posting, I looked around other threads and have now put it on my bookmarks!
The opposite leaf arrangement and fragrance say basil to me. However you shouldn't try it until you & another gardener are comfortable with the ID. Know someone who cooks? They'd almost certainly recognize the plant.
100% basil. If you keep pinching off the flowers, it will keep growing indefinitely. What a cool thing to have left at your doorstep!