I'm a bit puzzled by what's happening to a mango seedling that I've started in a pot. It went through normal growth, growing to about 100 mm tall. It grew two sets of leaves, then one of the leafs stopped developing - dried up, and fell off. So it has 3 remaining large healthy leafs. The tips of the leafs appear burnt, but I attribute this to the potting mix just having too much fertilizer for the young plant. So, it's been a good 3 weeks now since that happened. The plant appears to be healthy, it is not dying, but it is not growing either. The bud at the top has not changed in weeks. The plant is not getting any taller, and it doesn't seem that the leafs are getting any bigger either. It just seems to be content to sit there and survive. Any ideas? I'm not used to a seedling doing nothing... they either grow, or die. I thought maybe it was going through a period of root growth, but to grow only roots for almost an entire month? Weird?
Hi,my name is mangolady but i'm just getting ready to try & plant from a seed of a mango that i just finish eatting but i think that you should try plant food like m-grow that what i use to all my plants & you should see how big they grow & how much i get from them!!--now can you tell me how do i start growing my mango seed in a pot??-thank & good luck!!----------mangolady!!
Jay, how big is the pot? Have you fertilized? Has the seedling been exposed to any rapid changes in temperature? I've had mangoes stall on me for any of those reasons, and I also had a 2m one that stalled for no apparent reason for most of a year, then put on this great big spurt when the rains came again. They're far from typical plants, in my experience.
Lorax, my hero. The pot is only 8 inches or so, not very large. It's been inside, in a relatively stable environment and I have not added any fertilizer that wasn't already present in the general purpose potting mix that it went into. Just wait and see, I suppose. Thanks again.