Being new to JM's, I was wondering how many maples other people have. I stared around April of this year and find myself with 14 different JM's, all in containers. Living in a condo, I have no yard to plant any of the trees I have collected. Like many of you, now I need to install a watering system. Thanks Mark
I don't have any potted maples, only planted in the ground. It's too cold here in the winter... they freeze. I tried potting two young trees one year, even buried them part way in the ground for winter... they froze. Even my garage is too cold and I haven't any room in the house or basement for trees. I don't know what your winters are like, but I wouldn't leave the trees on a balcony if you have cold winters.
All my potted maples stay outdoors wherever they are placed without protection. I'm in zone 8 (-15°C to -18°C lowest temperatures). Never any sign of frost damage. Gomero
I have 5 potted maples which I just acquired this spring. They will be staying outside,as I'm in the Pacific NW, in zone 8.