Identification: Potted indoor plant identification

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by twinfire, Mar 21, 2008.

  1. twinfire

    twinfire Member

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    Boston, MA USA
    A friend has moved out of the country and given me a plant to care for while she is gone. She didn't know what kind of plant it was so I don't have any idea what it is, however, I admit that I don't know much about indoor plants. The plant never looked that good when she had it and it doesn't look any better now. I keep the plant in a sunny room but not in direct sunlight. I tend to water the plant about every week or so. It always appears to want more water but watering it doesn't really make it look any better. The leaves are always droopy and soft. Occasionally, a bunch of leaves will dry up and fall to the ground. Can anybody help me out with this? Please see the included photos.

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  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Looks like Polyscias fruticosa, Ming Aralia.
  3. ravengritz

    ravengritz Member

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    Portland Oregon USA
    Mine gets like this when it's too hot. I would try a cooler location with a touch less light. The leaves should always have a bit of a droop but not quite this much. Good luck!

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