I live in Vancouver and i have alot of seedlings starting to come up I was wondering if there are any garden centers or nurseries that offer free pots? I need probably 10-20 of them quite small 2-4 inches across. Thanks I have chinese long peppers, sweet limes and orange grapefruits, meyer lemons, and calamansi.
Have you considered "disposable" beer cups with a hole poked in the bottom? I use them all the time for seedlings about that size.
Hey lorax---I remember that you once described seedling pots you made from newspaper...moistened and formed around cups or glasses? When seedlings are big enough, the whole thing could be planted. Recycling at its finest!
I surely do! Instructions here: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-organic-planting-pots-using-old-newspa/