Hello all, I'm new here and new in growing plants. About 3 weeks ago I got a pothus plant which I had to repot as the pot was small due to the plant was large. I was told from the seller to use all purpose compost for repoting . Now some leaves are having holes and some brown tips . I googled and found that it could be or lack of water or over water . I didn't give to much water for sure as it didn't even come out from the holes. Shall I water till it get drained ? S Or is it another issue? Thanks
Welcome, Nenu. It might help if could reply to this thread with photos of the plant and a closeup of the leaves. If you need help, instructions are at Attach photos and files.
Here are some photos of the plant. Could the type of soil I use be the case ? I did used Miracle Glo all purpose soil is it ok ?
I recommend reading through the following document: Epipremnum aureum, pothos not philodendron, Epipremnum aureum (Linden & André) G.S. Bunting,Pothos, Rhaphidophora aurea, Scindapsus aureus, Pothos, Giant Golden Pothos, "Ivy", Devil's Ivy, Devil's Claw Ivy, Exotic Rainforest rare tropical plants. Also follow the link at the end for information on growing philodendrons. Compare the recommended 'jungle mix' with your own to see if there's room for improvement.
I'm not sure how light your pot should get before you water it, but I would recommend watering it thoroughly each time, so that the water does run out and it feels heavy. But don't leave it sitting in water. And don't water again until it definitely feels lighter.
Your Epipremnum is NOT a Pothos. This is a Pothos, one of only 2-3 species that are available in the plant trade in North America. Aroids in general (and your EPipremnum is an aroid) would benefit from a fertilizer that also contains all the trace elements and micronutrients. Miracle Gro is crap. It is a straight N-P-K fertilizer. Use something like Dyna Gro Foliage Pro. It will really make a difference. 'Holes' (fenestrations) in Epipremnum are pretty uncommon, but pinnation (split leaves on the edges) are a trademark. Your plant may be trying to pinnate which is NORMAL