25 April 2009 Potato Test Box A test to determine if potatoes grow from the stem of the plant. The box makes hilling relatively easy. At the end of the season the boards will be removed carefully, starting from the top and the actions photographed. One potato, Red Pontiac, was chosen.
I take it you are planning on adding more boards and soil as the potato grows. It will be interesting to hear what the results are.
You got it. I am of the opinion that potatoes only grow around the bottom of the plant, hence growing in tires is silly.
We tried a similar technique last year, growing them in a 3' high poly enclosure, adding composted sawdust as the vines grew. Results were dismal, only harvested potatoes at the lowest level. Back to growing them in the regular garden beds this year.
Sorry people I got a whole 3 car tyers high several years ago. Daughter is going to try again. we start by laying a circle and a couple in the center on a few inches of good composty stuff then gradually add tyres and soil as the shoots come up. My reason for this method is many fond (not) memories of picking up every last spud in an acre field and having to go back again several times till the father was satisfied it was clean. This way they are contained and I don't have ferral potatos every where. Liz
One potato, since my interest is to dispel once and for all the idea that potatoes grow along the stem of the growing plant. I want the evidence to be conclusive using photogrpahy, not babble.
I too will be eagerly awaiting the results of your experiment Durgan. It's going to be interesting to find out what the answer is. Anne
I am doing exactly the same thing - growing potatoes in the same type of box. I got the idea and instructions at : I have planted 4 Norland earlies and they are now up. In a couple of weeks I'll add another row of boards and fill more soil. And keep doing this. When they reach the top level I'll gradually remove a bottom board for our first new potatoes of the season. I also have my regular potato patch but the potato box just adds a bit of fun. Apparenlty done right you can get a whole lot of potatoes in the box by seasons end.
May I suggest that the photos used in the presentation depicted by the link are posed. My experiment is to determine if potatoes grow along the stem of the plant. The plant will be grown under ideal conditions to ascertain whether this is true of not.
Update. 27 May 2009 Potato Test Box Pictures depicting growth and hilling procedure. 2 June 2009 Another four inch board added to the box and the potato hilled. Summary: Potato Test Box 7 June 2009 Test Potato Box Another four inch board added to the height.