The leaves are curling and spotting with rust / metallic (?) patches... Everyday there are more leaves doing this... All the leaves were in perfect shape before the heat wave of late July... Then the edges started curling... I thought it was me watering too much or not enough... but after it cooled down the problem didn't correct itself... There is another plant with a new stem growth that sprouted in early August and came up very fast... that plant was kind of stagnant before... and all of a sudden the new shoot is taller than the existing stem, with flower buds... Actually, that plant doesn't have enough soil / space underneath... but the other 2 plants (shown in the pictures) with more soil hasn't started to show buds yet... and they have the leaf problem, while this one does not... What am I supposed to make of it ?... Please tell me I don't have something devastating in the yard... Thanks so much !!
OK... I think from the scores of pictures I went through searching for "potato"... I think I have the dreaded late blight... perhaps not very severe... yet... Should I cut off the affected foliage ? or cut everything off... i.e. harvest now ? ... or let it stay unless it kills the whole plant... so as to give more time for the tubers to grow ? Thanks for any pointers you may have !!