My potatoes seem to have produced tomato-like fruit on them. I understand that these are poisonous and should obviously not be eaten, but am wondering if I should remove the fruit to stimulate more tuber/potato production. Any help would be appreciated.
Not really an issue. Mine are left on. Apparently one can grow potatoes from these seeds, but they won't come true to the parent. It might make an interesting experiment. I have never tried to plant the small above ground seeds.
My dad always removed the potato flowers claiming more energy goes into the tuber (ie bigger potatoes). I have carried on this tradition so only the blossoms that I have missed have the fruit. I can't really say if these potatoes were smaller or not. jake.
not much help here i have only ever grown ptatos a few times they donot like growing for me coarse it is allot hotter here. the red ones from the grocery store is all i have grown with any success i had wanted them to bloom and produce seeds that way eventually i might end up with one that will grow in my part of florida they do have a few potato farms around but they have to gas the ground and use allot of chemicals. mine never made fruit and only small tubers but they wheregood ones i would plant them just to see what happens.i wanted mine to bloom and produce fruit because i have heard that growing things from seeds and doing that for several generations you can get a variety that grows better for ones conditions. does not mean it will end up a good tasteing variety though did it with grape tomatoes and by the third generation the maters where sour and the plant grew everywhere even had to trim them so not sure how it would be with taters