Post a peek of yourself here...

Discussion in 'Conversations Forum' started by The Hollyberry Lady, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Toronto, Ontario
    I perhaps overindulged....

    Christmas was: Roast chicken with all the trimmings (because a 9 kg turkey is waaay too big for 3 people), homemade pizza, flaming plum duff, cobbler, punkin (well, squash) pie, and probably other stuff that I'm forgetting conveniently because I regret having eaten so much of it...

    New Years was Wahoo seared in brandy over wild rice, then copious amounts more brandy around the bonfires with our neighbours (in Ecuador, we burn the old year in effigy, which means lots of fires in the streets.) Ambato sets off so many fireworks that it seems like the valley is on fire!
  2. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Sounds awesome, Beth!

    : o
  3. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Toronto, Ontario
    It was, but 3,000 meters of elevation is COLD at night - it goes down to like 10 C.
  4. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    I only wish we were at 10 degrees celcius!!!

    : o

    I would be in heaven. We are covered in snow here - and likely more on it's way!

    : (
  5. LPN

    LPN Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Courtenay, Vancouver Island
    Humm ... 10ºC (50ºF) here today and could be 12ºC if local forecasters are right.
    Some rain off and on but right now it looks fairly nice. I'm going to walk my dog.

    Cheers, LPN.
  6. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Toronto, Ontario
    Yeah, I was reading about that on Environment Canada's website - sucks to be Northern these days. I have obviously adapted to tropical living, because I used to think that -20 was the perfect temperature to go skiing and I can't even imagine doing that nowadays. I used to put on my sandals at +10 and now I run for the sock drawer... LOL. I guess I'm stuck down here, now.
  7. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Oh just stop teasing Beth!!!

    : o
  8. Gros Michel

    Gros Michel Member

    Likes Received:
    Morris Plains USA
    Got up to 24 * F here today...... warm considering the past week with all the wind chill
  9. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Shot of me taken a couple months back...

    getting up off the toilet...a perfect example of why you shouldn't leave your camera around for drunken friends who think it's so hilarious to take a shot of you when you least expect it!

    : o


    I know you're loitering! If you ever end up purchasing that 'work of art' feel free to post it here. Any cool Chinese dragon shots at home? Slap 'em up.

    Took the last couple shots of Henry today for ya - 1st one in front of Zac's banana plant...

    Of course you know Fred, Bill, and Charlie, are always welcome here too. Love to see them again anytime...

    : )

    Attached Files:

  10. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    Well it's been very quite here lately I guess the HOLIDAY spirit has taken over and the cold on one side the warm on the other . Crazy 10C here in Vancouver and NO snow.. and the Winter Olympics around the corner. Well beside that we feel like in cage town anything worthwile visiting has been fenced off with wiremesh 8-10 feet tall. I will be making a photoreport on the uglyness of the Olympics.
    Bravo Vancouver a brand new Convention Center to show off to the worlds visitors but its 100% fenced off from October > April for 2 weeks in February as the Oval in Richmong anyone who has no ticket is NOT welcome to walk around and even enjoy an Olympic mood that our city is paying for a NOT SO meager 1 Billion $ security fees are well spend. Squamish along the highway to Whistler is being told to simply accept that tourist are not welcome to stop and shop and maybe make some locals profit fom the craze on both extrimities Vancouver >< Whistler. The highways will be like a no go zone for many etc.
    No one will be bringing back nice water front pics from Canada place...At least my morning and evening view has no wire mesh as you can see. The swiss Chard is still growing even the one I cut down to ground is growing again and some small Kale leaves still green on the curly Kale,. I could smack myself for having covered my Gunera with mulch and killed off all the leaves that took such a pain to grow they may have survived this winter. For those who did not get my Xmas and 2010 wishes well here they are a bit delayed but I was quite concerned about the "SILENCE" here to be trespassing but what the heck. I love being "personally friendly"

    Attached Files:

  11. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Wow Vic - didn't realize that about the Winter Olympics! That's the Canadian spirit - NOT!!!

    : o

    No wonder your Chard and Kale are growing still, if you're sitting at 10°C!!! Someone thought I was inaccurate to have said that certain parts of B.C. can be pretty mild throughout winter - a classic example Vic, you lucky bugger.

    Thanks for the great shots. Any of you and Michael over xmas?

    : )
  12. Liz

    Liz Well-Known Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Victoria Australia [cool temperate]
    I'll swap ya for our 40C tomorrow. Already had some high 30's. I simply cannot work in this heat haze. Just glad we got the rain dump from the huge cyclone (5) that came in over the west of the country before Christmas. It's still pretty green here.

    I am just so glad I planted the cannopy of trees around the house all those years ago and that I am on a ridge to get a bit of a breeze.

    Christmas was very quiet but good food cooked by the offspring chef wannabe. We don't do big Christmas as such. New year fireworks were washed out in the city but they let them off any how as did some of the local idiots doing a test run b/w Christmas and New year. Private fire works are banned here because of the risk of fire.

    I do have my second hand new camera but am having trouble with the software waiting on son in law to get back. Also discovered battery is dead so have to organize that. So one day soon I can contribute pics. Meanwhile may the New year be good to you all and the world and may this thread keep us together.

  13. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Toronto, Ontario
    I'll swap too! It's cleared off and we're expecting 38 C. Yeeks. My plum trees are providing much-needed shade to the front of the house, but the back garden is a cooker.
  14. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Yes, I am sorry I was absent for awhile, but I needed to take a break. Glad to see everyone chatting again. You guys are all great people, and I enjoy your posts very much.

    : )

    Here's a shot I took of Henry this morning, standing on a half eaten honey seed stick...

    Just look at the state of him!!!

    : o

    He's covered in sticky food particles, and has a look that says..."yeah I'm dirty...what are you gonna do about it"?!!

    He would not let me remove then from him, so I filled his birdbath and told him he was a "dirty birdy" and that he needed a bath.

    He did eventually get clean, but I thought this pic was too cute not to share. I know Togata will have a chuckle...

    : )

    Attached Files:

  15. PennyG

    PennyG Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Ontario, 5b
    Awww, thats adorable Sherry......what a cutie.

    The banana plant looks nice as well
  16. Dana09

    Dana09 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Vancouver Island BC
    Yes, but he did not say that it has been raining cats and dogs here as well!
    So, stay where y'all are. It never stops raining here!
    Ya gotta love the rain!
    So, why they put the Winter Oly's here; I wonder where their heads were at that day?
    Oh yes, and we await 'the big one' any day now, so, just stay put, where ever you are! :))

  17. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Thanks, Pen.

    Yeah, I could do without the rain, Dana - at least not as much as you're talking about!

    : o

    Don't forget to collect some for your houseplants, Gardeners. They love it!

    : )
  18. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    AS I just wrote to Dana

    My KROKUS is starting to grow ...and my grasses that were trimemd short in the garden also
    and the kale seems to be getting ahead and the swiss chard I chopped down to the ground
    is starting to shoot again . I wonder will it make a 2nd year or season ?
    What do you you guys think of what to do .
    Must I water the grasses that I set aside under the canopy in the dark to protect from frost?
    Its Januray I mean we still could get 1m of snow or so :-)..hope not.
  19. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Don't let the grasses dry out Vic - if they're the ones I sent you. They are perennial, so they will return next year, yes.

    However, since you likely have them in containers and not in the earth, they could still be in jeoapardy of the roots being killed by frost...or the pots freezing completely solid. Just be careful, and on super cold days maybe bring the pots into a cool foyer for protection.

    Do you intend on putting the grasses in the earth next year? Or do you like them in pots better, for your purpose? Either way, the grasses will return from year to year.

    : )
  20. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    They are all in the garage and under the swing protect from the elements and covered with jute bags. I did upload pics before .

    So do they need water or not at all when hidden away in the dark ? That is my question.
    I also have one NZ flax in the garage that seems OK I did not cut it down I gave it one bottle of water per month..
  21. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Well, I wouldn't let them get totally bone dry, but no they shouldn't need much water while they are dormant, Vic.

    : )
  22. Liz

    Liz Well-Known Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Victoria Australia [cool temperate]
    I agree just make sure there is a bit of damp so they can start again. Maybe let a bit absorb from a plate below rather than top watering. The native grasses here seem to hang on in the dry looking all but dead first sprinkle of rain they are off. Even when burn't by fire they re grow. The flax aparently is a swamp plant in original conditions in NZ. That sounds like plenty of water to over winter. They are drought tolerant. Also don't keep them too dark. I lost some big flax that got over grown by blackberry.
  23. Dana09

    Dana09 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Vancouver Island BC
    Hi Liz, Vic,
    Is that flax the New Zealand sort? Phormium, I have small pink ones that survived in the ground here last winter. Swampy drought tolerant - what a treasure! I'd only gotten the two as they were small and on sale for little, to experiment with.
    Watering from the bottom sounds a great idea for winter watering as I am seeing leaves molding on the surface of pots in my garage.

  24. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    Yes it has like dark pink leaves, I just see on CNN they want to cut the leg of an 11 year old girl without Anestasia I am just to heartbroken to write in the moment and she just died .....nearly there on screen...HAITI.. what a drama I wrote this to some people but I feel I just want to say THIS. I know its not gardening but at times like this Gardening comes in last.
    Do NOT send TEXT message money it takes 60-90days to reach the organisation
    make the trip to the bank or what ever organisation you chose to do so.

    Where are the JETS filled with Medicine and Medical equipment
    PAID by all the BIG Drug and Medical companies
    SAD cash is not everything....
    I can't stop watching I wish I could do something and I know I can't
    so much pain in these eyes its nerve wrenching..

    And the neigbour DOMENICAN REPUBLIC is simply
    like NOT EXISTING nearly never mentioned they always
    kept their BORDERS tightly shut
    only a trickle is passing.. and this island they share

    and at the end the CNN and BBC etc.. they somehow
    seem to drive on this type of news
    and when one sees the ADDS for Mig Macs etc in between
    and all the IRRELEVANT adds in between that USE the hype
    of exposure is revolting. I nearly want to create an Association
    that put a stop to associate addvertising without checking the
    previous new.
    Imagine a LIFE INSURANCE ADD just seconds after a an 11 year old child
    says several times PLEASE LET ME DIE and then goes on dying..
    My mind is like BOILING with rage with AARP etc..
    one realized how UN FAIR this world is...

    I speak fluent French but what would I do there
    I have no expertise in helping
    it just reassures me that my Maureen who I have been calling
    more often then usual ( my ex black orphan)
    that is surely/ hopefully MUCH safer in RSA in the moment
    where HUMAN crime is the biggest danger.
    They all should wake up there in South Africa and
    be told HOW LUCKY they are to live in country that
    nearly has NO natural disasters ever.. beside rain and wind

    Anyway sorry about this I know its not gardening ...but hey sometimes
    we feel we need to share something with people who we feel KNOW
    whats good and bad and "forget" about Forum rules etc..

    HELP whatever your heart can. In the name of those who
    cant talk to you directly from there. Thank you MERCI !!
  25. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)

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