Hi Folks This is coming from Tasmania (Australia). I'm having trouble with our native possums (not to be confused with your oppossums) who are chewing on our roses - they love the new shoots and flower buds and regularly prune the roses back Any suggestions on non-harmful detterents that work in your neck of the woods (preferably non-invasive, low tech) which could be adapted for local use. Cheers
You might try making a solution from hot pepper (cayenne - capsicum). The hot burning sensation deters many pests from nibbling. I have seen hot pepper wax sprays on the market. I see on the internet that they are available in Australia.
Hello atilla88, I had a problem with critters digging up my annuals to eat the tender roots. Every day I would replant them and the following morning they were dug up again. I didn't see what animal was causing the destruction but I knew it wasn't rabbits because my hanging baskets were also eaten. A co-worker suggested spreading human hair clippings around the plants. I went to my hairstylist and asked for a bag of swept-up hair clippings and tried it. It worked well and my plants were left untouched the rest of the year. Some of my neighbours had some success with mothballs but the smell is horrible and spoils the effect of a fragant garden. Good Luck! Regards, plantluver
Possums are very determined creatures and to date, nothing on the market is truly effective. google "Ping string" electric fences. They are australian made, solar powered and designed for possum cats dogs etc. the fence pulses much faster than stock fences and look quite discrete.
I have had great success leaving a low wattage light on the desirable area. In my case it was setting my ever alert dogs off. If I leave the light on all is quiet. So far touchwood my tree branches are fairly intact this year. I have also not had the hobb nail boot symphony on the roof. Liz