Hello I just saw a pic of this plant online (in China) with text in Chinese. Looks like a succulent although the stem looks like a tree Anyone know what it is? Is this available in Canada nurseries? I find it quite pretty Thanks
I believe this is a Sedum spectabile but I don't know of one that has white new growth or where you would find it for sale. The closest I know of is Sedum spectabile variegatum which has all green and white variegated leaves.
If you found a Chinese website about that plant, then just use Google translator to get information about the plant. Or post here a link to the site.
Possibly Crassula arborescens, some variegated cultivar. Crassula arborescens – Silver Dollar Plant - Dummer. ゛☀ - Garden Manage - GFinger es la APP de jardinería más profesional Crassula Arborescens ‘Varigatta’
It's a variegated Portulaca molonkiniensis. Portulaca molokiniensis I only managed to find Grow Something selling the non-variegated one, though: Crassula Molokiniensis Portulaca