Found this while looking for ideas Liz
That's something I'm keeping in mind for our next place. A visit to the Portland Chinese Garden is what led me to wanting that look.
They dooooo.... I've put in pebble mosaics for myself as well as for a bunch of my friends and they're so nice to wander over after it's rained, all cool and nubbly..... It's fairly easy to do, as well, if you have a passing knowledge of cement. Incidentally, I have a friend who uses this technique with scrap marble to do mosiac countertops.
oooooooo!!! i LIKE!!!!!! thanks for posting the link; i've added that to my favs. oh! i really, really, really like this idea!!!
I charge $20 USD per hour, plus plane ticket, room and board. It's labour intensive, yes, but if you've got access to gravel the materials are pretty cheap.
oh gawd. Australian phyto certificates give me a large headache, sir.... Plus, I'm not sure if I can get a Permisio de Salir (the permission to leave) this soon after getting my permanent visa. And I'm not sure of the requirements for a dually-citizened Canadian / Ecuadoran in terms of a work visa to Oz. If you can straighten that all out, I'll bring you a whole tuber of Anthurium angamarcanum.
I'll bring you a whole tuber of Anthurium angamarcanum. Ed. we will see him featured on Boarder security some evening soon if you do that. Liz
All kidding aside, though folkies, it's really not all that difficult to do pebble or stone mosaics. Just takes some time, is all.